Tuesday 1 November 2022

The Logic of Taking Many2 Photos

 With the widespread of handphone camera, the amount of photos taken in your lifetime had exceeded your own mental ability to appreciate it. This, is worsen among those photo fanatics especially those aunty, leng moi and many others. For each site angle, there are more than 5 photos that need to be taken.

Let break down it into component

1.      Time taken to shoot the photo: T1

2.      Time taken to process the photo: Upload to PC, Facebook etc : T2

3.      Time taken to enjoy and look back at the taken photo:  T3

T3/(T1+T2+T3) ==รจ approaching zero.

In a holiday, weekend trip, you probably have taken 50 photos for your trip.

IN one year, if you have gone through 20 trips there are 1000 photos. Then, your friends will also take photos and shared it in the whatapps group/facebook. So all in, double your photos. So, you end up with 2000 photos a year. This is very conservative. Those fanatics, they will end up taking 300 photos per trip. So, the amount of photos in their PC is countless. On last record, I got 2400 photos for 2019. I rarely recalled each of them.

Yet, how often a photo is view again. Most likely many photos are taken and never to be seen again. Then what is the purpose of taking it at the first place. Thus, it is better to restrict the number of photo taken in each trip. Just take the key one at various checkpoint and move on. At the same time, do spend some time to watch back and rejoys on your old photos as you have made so much effort in snapping them.


However, there are some exception:

If U R a sexy model, handsome fellow, or influencer where there are many people view your photos, then more photos are better. For example, suppose your photo will be able to influence/help someone to go a specific place/buy specific item then more the better.


Number of Important Contributions Per author

 There are many blogs with few hundreds of articles. If U wrote which argument U get into, what food U eat etc, your writing is infinity. However, I will be doubtful about the impact of your writing. Most users just want specific contents, thus a proper article classification is required so that search/filtering is available. What I want is, U search website found my article, U read my article, U get to know something and translate it into action. U R done. There is no need to come back.

In any scientific contribution, a scientist is known by their few main contribution such as Einstein : E = mc2 ,   Netwon : F = MA, Survival biases : Abraham Wald.

For a single person, their intellectual contribution (useful article) to the society is few. Thus, I will just write what I think it is useful. For me, if I see someone written tonnes of articles with lengthy nice wording, I will assume the information content is very low and may not worth the ROI to read it.


The Changing Trend in Amateur Sports : Running, Cycling, Hiking

 Back in 1980s, 1990s and perhaps early 2000s, people participate sports just for the joy of it. Most of them will be “Hangat2 tahi ayam” approach, where they will come on and off to train. They just come for the joy of it, because there are some company and nothing else.  However, recently I do see things are changing rapidly among those amateur sport takers.

Many of them take sports seriously, if they are in running, they are more than willing to go through a long challenge. Starting from 10km, over the years they will progress to marathon and some to trail running and ultra marathon.

In every distance, they come with a mind to set their personal best. Sub-5, Sub-4 marathon. Damn they take it competitively and seriously. They will come for training every week. They are more serious than you. Young, old, auntie, uncle, grand pa, grand mum they came for training and will certain train and run much faster than you.

The Chinese are more to running and Hiking. As far as cycling, some of the Chinese are a bit reluctant to fork out the capital$ to buy a road bike + accessories (which cost RM3 – 5K) and other are a bit fearful on the safety side of cycling. The malay they are more dominant in cycling. They have a higher willingness to spend $$ and willing to take more risk. On top of that, they like to be associated with an expensive road bike and fancy attire.

The number of cycling and running event have been on the rise so far. Every week there is a running event. Not only that, it is also expanded to Trail Running, Hiking Group etc. The number of event I think it is 3-5x more than what we have in year 2010. (10 years ago).

Even in badminton, people will go from matches to matches. Every year, each club will have 1-2 annual competition. With around 10 clubs, you will have at least 10 badminton competition to go for every year. Parent will be more than willing to send them for competition. In the end, those that came out strongly in every sports are those from sport groups. There are various running, hiking, cycling, badminton etc groups in Klang Valley. Each group are leaded by inspiring leaders who has a deep interest in their sports. Some goes to the extend to hire badminton coach to teach themselves in their 40s. The main purpose is to raise the level of their game so that they can keep up with others and have more fun.


Friday 23 September 2022

21. Why Black People run faster, White People Swim faster?

Back in my school days, one of my coach told me that Black People have a denser bone, so physically they are born with a strong skeleton system which can hold together their muscle and body mass stronger than the rest of the people. So, whenever they run they can run faster than the rest. However, since their bone is denser, whenever they swim their body will sink and create a big drag. That why U C in Olympic 100m run most/all are black in color and in swimming event all is white/yellow color.

Once can always count argue that black are generally poor and there is no access to swimming pool other than river, pond and seas. Swimming may cost $$ in certain country, googles, fin, etc. Then it is a technical sport because water is 780x denser than air. Good coaching for improved swimming skill is required so that one can swim with less drag. Well, the argument goes on.  Running is free and running skill is pretty much established in africa. For more than 30 years, I did not progress with this theory, a theory without any verification. Then one fine day, I came across an article in a medical journal. That somewhat confirm my coach statement. 30 years confirmation. In summary,

The prevalence of osteoporosis is influenced by ethnicity and race. African Americans have both lower rates of osteoporosis and higher bone mass. However, the consequences of fracture are not lower in this ethnic group. Mortality after hip fracture is higher among African American women than among white women [22].Mar 23, 2011”

The full article can be found below.


that what I want in life, not just theory2 only. Confirmation!==> then in become a FACT.

20. "Won't do issue" vs "Can't do issue"

 Long ago, I overheard my boss conversation with another boss over a company meal. The discussion focus on how to get their employees to perform. So, he said it all boil down to 2 issues which is “Won’t do issue” and “Can’t do issue”.

In “Can’t do issue”, the employee does not have the skill to perform the required job thus you should give him more training and opportunity to learn. You must get to the bottom of this and properly assess whether the employee have the required skill to perform that job.

In the case of “Won’t do issue”, the employee does not want to do it. It may due to “attitude problem” or “remuneration problem”.  Their conversation stopped there. The rest of the details below is my own interpretation.

First, one should properly assess their employee potential. What they are capable of and what they are not? Then only address the won’t do issue. For attitude problem, it is may be due to fairness or ego issue. This has to be addressed at company level. For remuneration problem, perhaps the incentive structure is wrong. For example, a big Telco operator would like their staff to be certified in Cisco CCNA certification but most of their staff is reluctant to do so. Well, the manager can say it is part of their KPI but then not concrete came out from that. I told them just make a new scheme, “Certification Allowance of RM100 per month”, then every staff will get their certification done without much issue.

So what is the worst case scenario? Over the years, I came to a conclusion for a nasty situation. Let assume it is Mr X. Mr X is not capable of doing the task begin assigned to him. Yet not only he grabs the task and prevented others from performing it, he also boasted that he knows all the stuff. Then he will assign the task to his lower sub-ordinate. He will not be able to properly supervise them. Then, in case the job get partial done, he won’t remunerate his lower sub-ordinate and take all the credit. This is a typical mid-level manager in Malaysia. So, it is “Can’t do and won’t do + lie (won’t tell U the truth) Issue”.

19. Grab Driver Stories.

 Story 1: Jump airplane and work in Korea, Japan, Australia before

In Australia I Slaughter pigs. If you did not break the law, you can move around easily. No one will be there to stop you.  I thought the emigration department will send people to check. Well, he told me that is on the remote farm side. He said “Over my place, I even got a car under my name, I move around easily. As long as did not break the traffic rule or commit crime, I am good to go. The toughest to work is in South Korea, expectation is higher there. “

Story 2: Canteen operator.

The toughest part is when your worker did not come to work. Then you become a slave. You have to do everything. The factory provides everything kitchen, rent-free, cooking utensil, gas. All you need is to buy food and cooked them for factory workers.

Planning is important, Pork is not halal, most of the time you are stuck with chicken and eggs cause nepalist worker does not take beef. Lamb is too expensive so does prawn, fish and sotong. From time to time, you may get few fishes if it is cheap.

10 kg rice bag can be eaten by 80 persons or 60 persons if it is foreigner.

Each chicken can be broken into 12 parts, each part you earn only 50 cents.

Foreigner will take lot of rice, 1-2 dishes and many curries. There is nothing much to earn from foreign worker, on top of that you have to wash all the dishes for them. For 3 years I never have rest. Sickness come. The $$ is there but your body just could not take it anymore. The factory did called me back but  I cannot tahan already. So I left.

Story 3: Restaurant

First you must learn how to cut vegetables and meat. Then only you learn how to cook. The fried rice, fried mee is given to low ranking cook. The high end dishes you (restaurant owner) prepare yourself. It how you innovate, yesterday rice become today fried rice sell at cheaper price.  

Story 4: Longest Distance

What is the longest distance you drove? Well, there was one family missed their flight in KLIA. Their destination is Krabi, everything was booked. So, they asked me (the GRAB driver) to drove them all the way to Krabi. So, I drove them to Bukit Kayu HItam and liased with a Thailand VAN driver there. The van driver took them to Krabi. It was a very tiring trip.


Story 5: Economy Rice Operator Cum Taxi Driver.

I am earning double income, KLIA Taxi Driver + Economy Rice. U C I now own a new Nissan for the taxi operation. I earn about RM10K a month for my taxi operation. Then, I asked another independent taxi driver with private clientele. He told me in great detail that even if that fellow work 8 hours a day, he cannot make RM10K a month from taxi. On average 1 trip will be RM150/= then when u reached KLIA there is a 2 hour queue for your turn. So, all in 1 day you can make about 3.5 trips. Which is RM525/- then minus the expenses and car rental+maintenance. It will be a good around RM200 a day x 30 days = RM6000/-. Where got 10K. True enough later a few year onwards, he sold off his Nissan and no longer drove taxi. I asked him why few years later? He said he saw GRAB is coming so he got out early.

Lately, I bump up with that independent taxi driver, I asked this COVID-19 pandemic, how are you managing yourself. He said “Well, luckily I got some saving. If not I will be starving!”

18. ZI Wei Dou Shu A waste of time.

 It is a great waste of time studying something where the opportunity to apply it is limited. Many people are scared to disclose their date and time of birth (compulsory element in Zi Wei Dou Shu fortune telling calculation). Some scare that you’ll make witch craft (I bet even if I study 10 Phd I won’t be able to do it). Other simply felt it is a breach of their privacy. More than 50% will give a hypocrite answer or action, “Oh I don’t believe in fortune telling”, yet they did not disclose their details.

 So, you end up with a limited set of people who are willing to provide you with such data. Therefore, your ability to practice it is limited. Most of the time, it will be self-experimenting whether your own life calculation is right or not. One of the important things, is to have a brief characteristic of people behaviour especially those who you are dealing with frequently. Well, in this case, physiognomy (Facial fortune telling) will be a better option. Aiyah! Got to study again.

Good Information Dissemination

 18th June 2024. I used to write blog but there is not much traffic in my blog. People simply don't read. So, who will be my target cust...