Monday 17 June 2024

Good Information Dissemination

 18th June 2024.

I used to write blog but there is not much traffic in my blog. People simply don't read. So, who will be my target customers. Well, the best will be my student and facebook friends.

After some time, I changed my strategy, I will post it 1st in my facebook account then later on I will repost it in my blog for archived purposes.  Every 1 week I should post something short and interesting and not personal. I think that is the maximum information dissemination/absorption capacity among my audience. After one week, the traffic will die off and time to repost in blog for archive purposed.  Having a blog may enable my audience to search through every idea I have posted here if they are interested.

I also found that articles forward to my facebook posting will not result in much traffic. Only self-written post got more view, like + comment. 

I assume since I not ah-sem, many audience may not be interested in the places I went etc...(unless it is a new place etc). I would prefer to talk about something that my article can be translated into action among my readers. 


1 comment:

Good Information Dissemination

 18th June 2024. I used to write blog but there is not much traffic in my blog. People simply don't read. So, who will be my target cust...