Tuesday 1 November 2022

The Changing Trend in Amateur Sports : Running, Cycling, Hiking

 Back in 1980s, 1990s and perhaps early 2000s, people participate sports just for the joy of it. Most of them will be “Hangat2 tahi ayam” approach, where they will come on and off to train. They just come for the joy of it, because there are some company and nothing else.  However, recently I do see things are changing rapidly among those amateur sport takers.

Many of them take sports seriously, if they are in running, they are more than willing to go through a long challenge. Starting from 10km, over the years they will progress to marathon and some to trail running and ultra marathon.

In every distance, they come with a mind to set their personal best. Sub-5, Sub-4 marathon. Damn they take it competitively and seriously. They will come for training every week. They are more serious than you. Young, old, auntie, uncle, grand pa, grand mum they came for training and will certain train and run much faster than you.

The Chinese are more to running and Hiking. As far as cycling, some of the Chinese are a bit reluctant to fork out the capital$ to buy a road bike + accessories (which cost RM3 – 5K) and other are a bit fearful on the safety side of cycling. The malay they are more dominant in cycling. They have a higher willingness to spend $$ and willing to take more risk. On top of that, they like to be associated with an expensive road bike and fancy attire.

The number of cycling and running event have been on the rise so far. Every week there is a running event. Not only that, it is also expanded to Trail Running, Hiking Group etc. The number of event I think it is 3-5x more than what we have in year 2010. (10 years ago).

Even in badminton, people will go from matches to matches. Every year, each club will have 1-2 annual competition. With around 10 clubs, you will have at least 10 badminton competition to go for every year. Parent will be more than willing to send them for competition. In the end, those that came out strongly in every sports are those from sport groups. There are various running, hiking, cycling, badminton etc groups in Klang Valley. Each group are leaded by inspiring leaders who has a deep interest in their sports. Some goes to the extend to hire badminton coach to teach themselves in their 40s. The main purpose is to raise the level of their game so that they can keep up with others and have more fun.


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