Monday 17 June 2024

Good Information Dissemination

 18th June 2024.

I used to write blog but there is not much traffic in my blog. People simply don't read. So, who will be my target customers. Well, the best will be my student and facebook friends.

After some time, I changed my strategy, I will post it 1st in my facebook account then later on I will repost it in my blog for archived purposes.  Every 1 week I should post something short and interesting and not personal. I think that is the maximum information dissemination/absorption capacity among my audience. After one week, the traffic will die off and time to repost in blog for archive purposed.  Having a blog may enable my audience to search through every idea I have posted here if they are interested.

I also found that articles forward to my facebook posting will not result in much traffic. Only self-written post got more view, like + comment. 

I assume since I not ah-sem, many audience may not be interested in the places I went etc...(unless it is a new place etc). I would prefer to talk about something that my article can be translated into action among my readers. 


The girl who play Chess

 Back then in my schooling day, there was a chess match. I am just an observer, wah! the girl is so fierce, every move she made, is "Check, then she sapu the queen, castle, horse etc". You have to choose between the king and the queen.

Back in my mind, I have decided this girl should be avoided at all cost. What if she is your gf let alone wife? Consider every chess move she have proven.
Later on, some 20-30yrs passed by, she seems living happily with her husband + kids. Well, I guess I was wrong!

A few months later after the match, in another game/match the girl was so convinced that the game is hers. She been cleaning up her opponent chess board quickly. The male opponent already lost queen, castle etc... While her board still got many pieces. In the process of "shoik shoik eating" "joyful eating" her opponents, in one move. Her opponent check-mate her. Then, she was upset and talk to her mentor. I don't know what was conveyed between them. As I reflect on many2 years later,  I think that games taught her how to get a husband. What do you think?

1/0 = infinity

Infinity! Back in Form 4 and 5, Mr Chai our modern math teacher asked us why is "1/0" = infinity. Why infinity?
Then he demonstrated to us
1/0.1 = 10, 1/0.01 = 100, 1/0.00000000...1 = infinity
I finally able to understand why 1/0 = infinity rather than remembering it as a fact.

My Hobbies KPI for parents, Kids, close relative and Friends

 18th June 2024.

In one of the gathering with friends. The parent (of our ages+10 years) spoke about how she managed to get her kids to grow up in sports (swimming). She said it was tiring to fetch them here and there for training, paid for coaches (small sum back then) in the end they represented the country at junior level for swimming events. They also did well in studies. Now, as they have grown up, they start earning part time by teaching swimming. A sign of contentment. Then the complaint begin "well i dun dare to involve them in my activities". I asked do u know how to swim? Aiyah! Useless lah, my son never teaches me.! dunno how to teach me etc etc....

Well, at this point in time, I felt there is a great disservices from her child. Well, it is their family business. However, after reflecting for 1 - 2 years, as I recalled b4 writing this. I have a new KPI.

"Whatever hobbies I do, my parents + kid + close relatives + friend (in descending priorities) , should have a taste of it. If I've climb mt tahan, they should at least climb Sg Long etc etc. " Unless they are not interested. Something 4 U to think about!

Monday 17 April 2023

Private Medical Insurance Proposal.

This is just a suggestion for future medical care in Malaysia.

User: Normal People who work/stay in the same region for example Klang Valley.

Insurance Companies : Local Universities with Medical Degree Program with a running hospital. (UKM, UM, UIA, UiTM etc).

Banker/regulatory body: An institution which withheld the fund paid by policy holder on behalf of the universities. This body responsibility is to slowly disburse fund to local universities as many universities are inexperience in handling fund and can easily run out of $$.

Each user upon it’s first employment he can buy a long term insurance policy from one of the local universities. This fund will be slowly disbursed to the universities as operational expenses and future development.

First before the user is admitted for a long term insurance policy, the local universities will do a health check and analysis on the user.  Base on the user lifestyle, a premium value is calculated and the users are admitted to the insurance policy. Any big health issues with the policy holders, it is the local university medical faculty responsibility. There is no hassle in checking insurance company. Just come and you ‘ll be served.

Transparency, a statistics of number of doctors, specialist for each area, medical facilities and other resources are identified, published and they are bind to the policy holder. Policy holder will be served first instead of non-policy holder.

Policy Holder trading.

Let say Mr Charlie move from KL to Kota Bharu. He can change his policy from UM to USM hospital. The will be a small handling fee and if Mr Charlie lifestyle is extremely bad, USM hold the right not to accept Mr Charlie policy.

Let say Mr Alex who currently a policy holder from UM, he is not happy with the service. He can switch to UKM.

Towards a healthier society.

The university is incentified to implement a healthy lifestyle program among its policy holders to minimize their future health expenditure and yet collect the same amount of premium. More focus will be done on prevention side. Thus, a lot of health problem will be eliminated.

There is a lot of unclear issue to address. Thus, a new company should be formed consisting of local universities medical faculty team, medical testing facilities company such as BPLab, insurance companies and banker. This will facilitate the move to a healthier society at a more affordable price. It must be regional for example Klang Valley only. It should not be nation-wide like “National Health Care System” which bound to be failure.

Direct feedback. Shorten the feedback cycle and you will see a more sensible result/action.

Example: for dental care.

The maximum age for dental patient new policy holder is 25 year old. The policy is renewable up to age 70. An annual fee of RM200-300/- is required. Inflation price will be added yearly.

Coverage: Dental filling, yearly dental check-up. For every 10 years, 1 crown, 1 root canal treatment.

Term: Good behaviour such as daily brush teeth, not eating hard food.

Non-coverage: accident, teeth implant.

If this policy is done early, many people don’t need root canal treatment.

In Summary, ”old time local dentist guarantee”, if you come here every time, I guarantee you no need root canal for the rest of your life.



Sunday 16 April 2023

Future Local University Funding.

There are many things happen due to system design failure. The reward structure is unclear and most of the time, government policy is very forgiven for public universities. Thus, I propose the following.

1.      A fraction of the university funding will be coming from their own student future tax revenue. All student graduated with a funded degree/undergraduate program from a public university will pay taxes to their university for 10-20 years. I strongly believe Master and PHd by research program, the fee should be minimal unless a lot of research facilities are required.

2.      The annual tax return from these students will be channeled 100% to the local university.

3.      The university staff salary/pension will be paid from the fund received.

4.      University are free to set their quota system and course offering

5.      The fraction of university funding from government will be slowly reduced and the funding from student tax return will be gradually increased up to 30-50% of the university revenue.

6.      If there is insufficient fund, the university will have to reduce their staff salary and benefit.

Whatever big financial decision made by the university management must be recorded (who suggested this, who approved it). Later on, anything wrong there will be penalty/reward on the pension side. Then, the university will make a wiser economic decision rather than a political one.

Local Public Universities. Please publish your account (P&L, Balance Sheet).

There should be an allocation of up to 5% for transparency ranking for all university.  Many public universities receive a lot of grant from their government. Yet, very few of them publish their balance sheet information to the public. The general public need to know how public universities spend their money. Without this information, it may be difficult for the public to judge any action taken by the university such as raising student fees, reducing the number of student grant etc.

In Malaysia, as far as I know off, only University Malaya published their balance sheet information in their annual report.

The rest of the public universities, these information is unknown to most people. If these information is published, the public can properly assess the ROI of government funding and any wrongdoing in each public university.  In stock market, the quarterly P&L statement and Balance Sheet information of a company provide the basis on whether one should buy or sell their stocks. These universities are given massive funding every year, why can’t we see their accounts.

All these while, what the public talks about quota system, bad facilities, mismatch education and industry need. Publish the account then we can see lot of things to improve.

Good Information Dissemination

 18th June 2024. I used to write blog but there is not much traffic in my blog. People simply don't read. So, who will be my target cust...